2012-03-06 09:17:07
Weekly Update 026
And I'm late again.
On a brighter note, the work on the new kana learning interface is going very well.
Written by: Deamon007
2012-02-27 02:53:34
Weekly Update 025
Finally on time. I'm done with a basic sketch of the new application and I'm now starting to build the communication functions.
Written by: Deamon007
2012-02-21 07:38:10
Weekly Update 024
Nothing to report apart from me again forgetting to post an update.
Written by: Deamon007
2012-02-14 03:47:51
Weekly Update 023
Well I'm off to a good start, I missed the first update already.
Now that I'm reasonably satisfied with the communication protocols in the memory game, I'm going to start working on an improved version of the Kana learning application. I'll release more detail as I go.
EDIT: I also uploaded an old tic-tac-toe game with a unbeatable ai, very useful if you want to train not to lose.
Written by: Deamon007
2012-02-09 04:27:15
Memory Update
I updated the Memory 2.1 game and fixed the faulty high score entries. The game now gives you the ability to update the high scores whenever you want.
Written by: Deamon007
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